Indoor gps (IBuy part 3)

Apple latest acquisition of Wifislam, for 20 million USD, has been seen by the media as boost for maps application. This could be a small step for maps but a giant step for the Ibuy ecosystem.

I will explained.

If you go to the company’s web site you would find the main capabilities of the application, which I post here:

Allow your smartphone to pinpoint its location (and the location of your friends) in real-time to 2.5m accuracy using only ambient WiFi signals that are already present in buildings.

We are building the next generation of location-based mobile apps that, for the first time, engage with users at the scale that personal interaction actually takes place. Applications range from step-by-step indoor navigation, to product-level retail customer engagement, to proximity-based social networking.”

I imagine that it could help Apple to compete with Google, but everyone is losing the big picture.
On the IBuy strategy that I previously talked on other post, this is the application that let retailers define their physical space for the interaction with customers in the marketing business (iAd, promotions and financial transactions).

The application allows you to define in Maps your physical space.
Imagine a store inside a shopping mall, that could be determined with a 2.5 m accuracy. Then, with the tools that Apple is developing (NFC , e-wallet) it could interact with customers as they passed by, in the store.
The process is customized by each retailer, so it means it has scale on a global base.

Iwatch and the FDS

The much anticipated Iwatch has been dominating the media. Reporters have covered the subject on different angles, but, I never saw anyone, talking about this patent, which is not directly related to Apple but it is implied, because there is a exclusive license agreement with liquidmetal technologies in the category of electronic devices.
The patent US 20130037832 A1 defines a Foldable display structure which use an OLED screen, that can be rolled our folded into compact shapes.
The problem with OLED screen is, it does not have structural stability and rigidity to maintain a flat shape with multiple use. The addition of a structure of amorphous alloy at the back of the screen can solved the problem. The patent covers FDS for all types of products , tv, mobile phones, tablets and other devices. Examining in detail the patent you can guess that the first application probably will be a watch. The detail of the structure clearly looks like a bracelet.

Imagine a OLED screen with a metallic structure in the back, cut in very small peaces and then linked all, by some ribbons or fibers, like a metallic bracelet.
You can see in the picture below, the bracelets in detail with different structure arrangements.


The new new thing will be the bracelet, which will open the door to many new products. If you want to find other new products, you just have to read the all document.

Siri your Personal Life Trainer

Siri, launched in 2011, is an intelligent personal assistant, which offers conversational interaction with the contacts, calendar, weather, email and several other applications of the iPhone.
After launched in the major spoken languages in the world, it will moved to the next stage.
It will analyse all your data in your different IOS devices (Iphone, Ipad, ITV, Iwatch, Icar, you get the picture) and giving you advice.1200-siriFrom activating to our voice command, it will start to be activated automatic whenever it is helpful.
Siri will have full access to our daily applications, Facebook, twitter, email, messages, it will analyse by GPS all our trips, google search, and provide advise. It will warn you of your stocks falling our going up, it help you choose a restaurant, base on the different restaurants that you go. It give you constant feedback of traffic, when driving and warned to you if your late for a meeting. It can give you advise on what to see on TV based on your Facebook likes, and TV history.
Full access to your digital life will come with a huge privacy firewall, Apple will be forbidden to give individual data to others but it can insert publicity base on your tastes in Siri.
The evolution of Siri will be by modules, first analyse your track data on the iPhone, google search, Facebook, Amazon (the big ones), and them move on to different applications. This data was closed in 2013, it will be exchange between Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Apple, for a higher priority, which is knowing your client. Big Data exchange accords will be announced and effective transfer will be possible only when people authorize, these agreements will benefit all the companies and consumers. Your Digital Mentor has just been invented back in 2011, you just still was not introduced.

Samsung Vs Google

Is Samsung so strong as the media keeps talking?

It does not control the software.
Their range of products don’t feel and act the same way.
The company spends 3 times more than Apple in advertising, that means, customers aren’t aware of the products.

Google on the other side doesn’t make money with Android and Samsung doesn’t even mentions Google on their products. How can this marriage have a future?

With the introduction of Google phone, this perfect marriage will end, each side will try to retain the latest feature exclusively on their product.
With the launch of new gadgets (itv, iwatch, icam) will android be able to compete when both players have different priorities.
The NFC was an example of the marriage problem, it was a feature of the Samsung Galaxy but it was adopted by society when introduced in the iPhone, it had a complete solution to consumer and to retailers.


IBashing was a news media practice that appeared periodically in the 21 Century.

“What will be the next iphone killer?”
“Who is the new Apple Company?”
“Apple is doomed”

This has been, since the introduction of the Ipod a cyclical pastime of the Media, normally they suffer from new news anxiety, and a need to increase page views.
They want to generate the feeling of excitement, the buzz that the Ipod and the Iphone created. But it can’t be replicated has usual as the media want it to be. So they try with Facebook, Blackberry, Samsung, Google announcements, how dull can it be?).
They can’t generate a sustainable feeling, so they inverse the strategy, which is, bashing Apple in everyway possible, because it creates a lot of negative buzz. This is not orchestrated of course, but with the underperformance of the stock between September 2012 and March 2013, helped Apple bashing.
As usual the company will launch new killer products, earnings release will beat analyst’s expectations and the stock will overperforme again.
Every day, some business news reporter, has to write 1000 words about the main stock performers, with the company losing value, he will write a story to justify the movement.
The Last quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, was one of that correction period that happens periodically, usually after the company starts another prolonged movement up, for a few years.
The main inversion point usually is at mid year, (probably with product announcements).
Who could believe that the company was at 420 USD in 2013, when later (1.5 years after) on it reached 1000 USD.
Here is a 10 years comparison of the performance of the stock from January to December every year. You can see that at mid year the stock accelerates (except for two years).

Apple Yearly Performance

IFerrari vs ICar

The takeover of the car was accomplished between 2015 and 2016, before that, Apple enter in a two way strategy to reach the automobile industry.
The first strategy was to create a strong ecosystem, between car companies who develop small enhancements in collaboration with Apple, for the iphone with Siri and Itunes Compatibility.
The Eyes Free Project created an intermediary between the car and the driver and put Apple at front seat. The virtual assistant, Siri, became your personnel advisor while you were driving, helping to answer all of your questions from Road Directions to weather map conditions.
In the same strategy, other companies were creating new products for the car, integrated with the iphone, like the, which assist you on fuel efficient driving and motor diagnostics problems.
Car Manufactures became slowly Apple dependent and customers were becaming addicted.

The second strategy, was with Ferrari. In the first half 2013, Apple enter an agreement with the Sport Car Manufacture, in the development from scratch, of a full multimedia offer in the dashboard, with full control of project. The Italian car maker would sell the IFerrari dashboard has a option instead of the normal dashboard.
This agreement allowed the California Company to develop a dashboard that would give information to the driver of GPS, Multimedia, Motor Diagnostics and Driving habits.This niche market give Apple the full control of the project, not possible with enter a partnership with Volkswagen in the past.
With the huge success between Ferrari drivers, the company enter an agreement with Fiat Group, and latter on with other big Car Manufactures, and become the première solution for Car Dashboards.

IBuy (Part 2)

The introduction of the NFC e-walett accompanied by a new software application for buying services and stuff of the physical world, allowed for a marketing interaction with the consumer at the local area.

For a store retailer that adopted these Apple solutions, IBuy, would have the capabilities of promoting a personal marketing campaign for each consumer who enters the store and with effective results.

The company development many solutions for this gigantic market has you can see here:


and here:

1 cover re Product + app from Apple Inc, July 2010

1 Cover - iads - apple details a targeting ad system


Back in 2013, rumours started to appear that the next iphone (5S) was pointed to NFC e-wallet and fingerprint sensor. The introduction of this capabilities allowed, Apple, to compete at the Global Market with a system of international payments.

The company offered a service of payments in the Itunes store for a small fee (variable of course) for everything and in exchange, stores would have a tool for personal marketing to each customer who entered the store. Marketing became personal at the store level and Apple became a gigantic Amazon store.

That were revolutionary times.

Project Glass

Google Glass

Back in 2013, Google introduced the Project Glass, which created a lot of buzz at that time. The project in the first months was a sucess between geeks and teenagers, but privacy issues related to unauthorized live video streams prohibited the use of the Google Glass in public places. Hostility from the majority of society against the ridiculous aspect of people wearing them didn´t help the sucess of the product. For many years it became a underground minority that used the glasses.

Apple later on, introduced the ILens which were a major sucess, by now society had changed and privacy was not an issue. Teenagers from 2013 were in the 30’s and society didn´t have privacy at all.

This was a completed open society. With no secrets.